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Build My Website
Build My Website
    Tell the world you're a REALTOR®

    Launch Your Website for FREE in Minutes

    A .realtor website immediately distinguishes you, builds your online brand & sets you apart.

    Try the .realtor website for a year on us for free , it's $39.95 a year after. Start by choosing your .realtor website name and see the results for yourself! 


    Effortlessly Elevate Your Online Brand

    Prepare for success and effortlessly forge your online brand - our streamlined process ensures speed and simplicity!


    Pick Your Domain Name

    Start a search, keep it simple and search your name or an adjective followed by your name. Note your first or last name must come before the .realtor. Have fun and be creative!

    Step two

    Pick Your Website Option

    We have three levels of real estate websites, Professional, Premium & Premium Plus - determine what website fits your needs best. All websites come pre-customized with your information already built in - we've done all the work for you!

    Step Three

    Own Your Online Presence

    Watch your online presence flourish and the leads and referrals roll in!

    Let's Get Started

    Step One: Pick Your Domain Name

    Exclusively for NAR & CREA Members

    .realtor make a statement in a second



    Watch our Website Demo

    Welcome to your gateway to a powerful online presence! In this quick demo, you'll learn how effortlessly you can set up your professional real estate website. Follow along as we guide you through how easily and quickly it is to get your site up and running.

    Templates that Work for You

    Professional Website Included!

    Our domains include a Professional Website - FREE for the life of your domain! Bid farewell to the headaches of building a real estate agent website - our selection of templates and packages are customized to meet your specific business needs. Find the perfect real estate website designed just for you!

    Already have a .com you love but want our free website? If you have a .com domain that you adore, why not enhance it by adding a .realtor and/or .realestate domain? You can easily forward your current .com to one of our exceptional websites, attracting more leads and owning your online brand!

    Get Started

    As a new member of the National Association of REALTORS®, the .realtor website is amazing! It's simple to setup and provides options to expand as my career goals.”

    The .realtor website is an important addition to my online marketing. The site was straightforward to set up, looks attractive, and has great branding.”

    I created two websites! One for my personal use and one for my brokerage. Having websites that end in .realtor instantly lets the work know I’m a REALTOR®! ”

    You Deserve a Website That Delivers

    The first step is to pick out your website name. The .realtor domain uses part of your name in the name of the web address. Here is an example of how it would work for Doug Smith:


    Doug searches for a domain that has his first or last name next to .realtor


    Doug considers names like, or


    Doug decides to get creative and uses, picks a website and gets leads!


    Check out how REALTORS® just like you are using our domains and websites to market their businesses. Whether you use one of our website options or forward to your current website your business will flourish with your new domain!

    Let Us Create Your Site
    We're Here For You

    "Do It For Me" Service!

    Relax and unwind as we handle all the details for you! Welcome to our "Do It For Me" Service, always ready to assist. Simply fill out the form, and we'll be in touch to schedule your appointment. Trust us to guide you through every step of the process!

    Get Help

    What can a .realtor website do for you?

    There are a number of benefits of a .realtor domain. The .realtor domain allows you to brand yourself and your business, and shows the world you are a REALTOR®. From generating free leads with your free website or allowing clients to easily find you at a site you own, the list is endless. Here are just a few more of the benefits of a .realtor website:


    Sets you Apart

    A .realtor domain is unique, helps you build a strong brand identity, and tells the world you’re a REALTOR®.


    Elevates Your Marketing

    Market yourself and your brand with a website that increases your professionalism, offers improved SEO, and offers you future flexibility!


    Up and Running in Minutes

    Our custom websites and templates are created with your business in mind. They are preloaded with your information and take only minutes to make your own.



    The .realtor domain is exclusively available for members, firms, and boards of the National Association of REALTORS® and the Canadian Real Estate Association and is free to Members for the 1st year!


    Need Help Choosing Your .realtor Name?

    Check out this video to find the .realtor domain that is right for you.  A .realtor domain uses your first name, last name or both next to the .realtor.  


    .realtor domains

    Get your .realtor domain and set yourself apart from the .COMpetition!

    .realtor domains for Individuals

    Free/first year $39.95/year after, multi-year and multi-domain discounts available
    .realtor domains for Brokers

    $79/year Multi-year and multi-domain discounts available

    • Check Access all the business email functionality you need so you can focus on running your business.
    • Check Add file storage, ActiveSync, Office-compatible apps, and instant messaging.
    • Check Build your online brand with a professional presence.
    .realtor domains for Associations

    $99/year Multi-year discounts available
    Get Started

    Find The Website Name That Works For Your Business

    Exclusively for NAR & CREA Members


    Why can’t I get the .realtor name I want?

    The .realtor  domain name you are looking for may be taken by another user or the name you are searching for doesn’t fit within the .realtor naming conventions. The .realtor domain you choose must have part of your first name or last name next to the .realtor. If the name in your M1 record and the name you are searching for doesn’t work within these rules you won’t be able to claim the domain. You can search for a .realestate domain to allow for more creativity.

    How much is the .realtor domain after the first year?

    The .realtor domain is free to NAR Members for 1 year and is $39.95 per year after the first year and will automatically renew.

    I already have a website, can I still use a .realtor domain?

    Absolutely! You are able to forward your .realtor domain to your current website or if you have web hosting through your own provider, you can set it up by adding DNS records, such as A or CNAME records, to your zone. If you have your own name servers, you can provide NS records so your DNS can be managed elsewhere. Find out more about your options ,get help.

    Why does it require a credit card if it's free?

    Our system requires a credit card to complete the purchase, but you'll be charged $0 for the first year with auto-renewal set by default—though you can opt out anytime. You'll get email alerts before any renewal charges apply. REALTORS® enjoy the first year free, with subsequent renewals at $39.95/year, and the website remains free as long as you keep your domain.

    What if I have more questions?

    Feel free to contact our customer success team Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00PM EST via phone at 866-361-3029 or use the chat feature in the lower right corner of the page. 

    You can also browse our help center here .